
Hello My Name is Ally and I'm a Shopaholic;

So I did some shopping on Tuesday with my sister, and yesterday we went for a drive to take photos. We kind of sort of blew her tire on the back-roads (Whoops!) and her friend had to come rescue us. Neither one of us can change a tire (I don't drive, and she hasn't had her license for very long).
I don't have many photos for you guys, since I didn't take very many and only a few turned out well, but I got new boots, leggings, and a gorgeous purse!

These boots were the last in my size (and only ten dollars!) and the snake-print leggings were on sale (three dollars). 

This is my new bag! I am so in love with it, and it was only fourty dollars, which was nice. Usually I drool over massive, super expensive ones. It's a lot smaller than the ones I usually carry, so I had to downsize all the crap in my bag (Speaking of which, I was thinking about doing a "what's in my purse" post, thoughts?).

This is the only picture I have of my outfit, and it's not the greatest. But I wore my new stuff with a black lace dress from Forever 21 and my Harley Davidson sweatshirt.


  1. i love your bag and great shoes <3 i also like your blog name :)

  2. the leopard pants are my favourite! xo


  3. I like the bag! Small is better. It's amazing what can get lost in the depths of a big bag!

  4. I love those shoes..!
    That bag is pretty cute too!:]

